Amend HB 1115 as follows: (1) On page 2, strike line 24 and substitute "to a hearing before a municipal judge of the municipality and shall:". (2) On page 2, strike line 27. (3) On page 3, strike lines 1 and 2 and substitute "and". (4) On page 3, line 3, strike "(3)" and substitute "(2)". (5) On page 5, line 6, strike "administrative". (6) On page 5, line 12, strike "administrative". (7) On page 5, line 14, strike "administrative". (8) On page 5, line 24, strike "administrative". (9) On page 6 line 7, strike "ADMINISTRATIVE". (10) On page 6, line 10, strike "administrative". (11) On page 6, line 15, strike "administrative". (12) On page 6, line 18, strike "hearing officeer designated by the governing body" and substitute "municipal judge". (13) On page 6, line 19, strike "administrative". (14) On page 6, line 21, strike "administrative". (15) On page 7, line 5, strike "administrative". (16) On page 7, line 8, strike "administrative". (17) On page 7, line 12, strike "hearing officer" and substitute "municipal judge". (18) On page 7, line 15, strike "hearing officer" and substitute "municipal judge". (19) On page 7 line 24, strike "ADMINISTRATIVE". (20) On page 8, line 1, strike "administrative". (21) On page 8, line 2, strike "administrative". (22) On page 8, line 4, strike "designated hearing officer" and substitute "municipal judge". (23) On page 8, line 8, strike "hearing officer" and substitute "municipal judge". (24) On page 8, line 27, strike "hearing officer" and substitute "municipal judge". (25) On page 9, line 1, strike "judge of the municipal court of the municipality" and substitute "county court at law of the county, or, if there is no county court at law, to the county court". (26) On page 9, line 2, strike "municipal". (27) On page 9, line 6, strike "administrative adjudication hearing officer" and substitute "municipal judge". (28) On page 9, line 2, strike "municipal" and substitute "county court at law or county". (29) On page 9, line 10, strike "municipal".