Amend CSHB 1144 as follows:
      (1)  In SECTION 2 of the bill (Committee Printing page 1,
line 50), strike "develop and make available a service" and
substitute "help make available services".
      (2)  In SECTION 2 of the bill (Committee Printing page 1,
line 52), strike "service" and substitute "services".
      (3)  In SECTION 2 of the bill (Committee Printing page 1,
line 54), strike "making the service" and substitute "helping make
the services".
      (4)  In SECTION 2 of the bill (Committee Printing page 1,
line 59), strike "developed for the service" and substitute
"offered through the service".
      (5)  In SECTION 2 of the bill (Committee Printing page 2,
line 3), strike "and".
      (6)  In SECTION 2 of the bill (Committee Printing page 2,
line 5), after "particular student" and ".", insert "; and
            (5)  to the extent possible, should correlate to an
instructional program or programs being used in classrooms in this