Amend CSHB 1144 (Senate committee printing) as follows:
      (1)  In proposed Section 39.131 on page 9, line 3, between
"(a-1)" and "to", add "and Subsections (f) and (j)"
      (2)  In proposed Section 39.131 on page 9, lines 7 and 8,
between "managers" and "residents," strike "<composed of>" and insert
", a majority of whom must be"
      (3)  In proposed Section 39.131 on page 9, line 8, between
"district" and "to", insert ","
      (4)  In proposed Section 39.131 on page 9, line 10, insert
the following subsections and re-alphabetize as appropriate:
      (f)  A board of managers may exercise all of the powers and
duties assigned to a board of trustees of a school district by law,
rule, or regulation.  This section applies to a district governed
by a board of managers in the same manner that this section applies
to any other district.  A master or a member of a management team
appointed to serve on a board of managers may continue to be
compensated as determined by the commissioner.  At the direction of
the commissioner but not later than the second anniversary of the
date the board of managers was appointed, the board of managers
shall order an election of members of the district board of
trustees.  The election must be held on a uniform election date on
which an election of district trustees may be held under Section
41.001, Election Code, that is at least 180 days after the date the
election was ordered.  On qualification of members for office, the
board of trustees assumes all of the powers and duties assigned to
a board of trustees by law, rule, or regulation.
      (j)  An employee, volunteer, or contractor acting on behalf
of the commissioner under this subchapter is immune from civil
liability to the same extent as a professional employee of a school
district under Section 22.051.