Amend HB 1200 as follows:
      (1)  Page 28, between lines 2 and 3, insert a new SECTION 8
to read as follows and renumber the subsequent SECTIONS
      SECTION 8.  Section 42.302, Education Code, is amended by
adding subsection (d) to read as follows:
      (d)  For purposes of this section, school district taxes for
which credit is granted under Subchapter D, Chapter 313, Tax Code,
are considered taxes collected by the school district as if the
taxes were paid when the credit for the taxes was granted.
      (2)  Page 21, line 8, strike "each of the first eight" and
substitute "the second and subsequent six".
      (3)  Page 21, line 11, after the words "equal to" strike
"one-eighth" and insert "one-seventh".
      (4)  Page 7, line 4 between "except for" and "equipment",
insert "new".
      (5)  Page 6, lines 24 and 25, strike ", and at least 80
percent of all the new jobs must be qualifying jobs".
      (6)  Page 10, between lines 1 and 2 add a new subsection (c)
to read as follows and re-letter subsequent subsections
      (c)  To be eligible for a limitation on appraised value under
this subchapter, at least 80% of all the new jobs created by the
property owner must be qualified jobs as defined by Section
      (7)  On page 18, lines 5-7, strike "In this subchapter,
"qualified property" means land on which the owner of the land
proposes to create at least 10 qualifying jobs." and substitute
"For purposes of this subchapter, a property owner is required to
create only at least 10 new jobs on the owner's qualified property.
At least 80 percent of all the new jobs created must be qualifying
jobs as defined by Section 313.021(3)."