Amend HB 1203 as follows: 1. On page one, lines 20-22, strike "; and (B) and institution of higher education as defined by Section 61.003, Education Code" 2. On page one, line 34, strike "and (d)" 3. On page one, line 55, between "501" and "under", insert ", except for an institution subject to Section 501.022," 4. On page one, lines 58-61 strike subsection (d) in its entirety and renumber remaining subsections accordingly. 5. On page two, line 3, between "501" and "may" insert ", except for an institution subject to Section 501.022," 6. On page two, lines 11-27, strike SECTION 1.03 in its entirety and renumber remaining SECTIONS accordingly. 7. On page five, lines 21-27, strike "The report must include: (1) a description of the services offered by the office to state agencies that are not subject to Chapter 501; and (2) a statement identifying any insurance coverage purchased by such a state agency that was not obtained through a bid for that purchase offered by the office." 8. On page 6, line 17, strike SECTION 1.12 in its entirety and renumber existing SECTIONS accordingly.