Amend HB 1245 as follows:
      1.  On page 2, strike lines 3-6, and substitute the
"subtracting from the fair market value of the property as of a
specific date the amount of a lawful lien specific to the property
on that same date."
      2.  On page 2, line 22, strike the word "lien" and replace
with the word "debt."
      3.  Page 9 strike lines 9-16 and substitute the following:
premarital or marital property agreement, whether executed before,
on, or after the effective date of this subchapter, which satisfies
the requirements of Chapter 4 is effective to waive, release,
assign, or partition a claim for economic contribution under this
subchapter to the same extent the agreement would have been
effective to waive, release, assign, or partition a claim for
reimbursement under the law as it existed immediately before the
effective date of the initial enactment of this subchapter of
September 1, 1999, unless the agreement provides otherwise.
      4.  Page 11 strike lines 13-16 and substitute the following:
            (2)  order that a claim for an economic contribution by
one separate marital estate of a spouse to the community marital
estate of the spouses be awarded to the owner of the contributing
separate marital estate; and
      5.  Page 12, strike lines 10-13 and substitute the following:
      (c)  Section 3.410, Family Code, as added by this Act,
applies to a premarital property agreement or marital property
agreement executed on or after the effective date of this
subchapter of September 1, 1999.