Amend HB 1572 as follows:
      (1)  Strike SECTION 8 and SECTION 9 of the bill (Engrossed
version page 8, line 23, through page 12, line 5) and renumber the
subsequent sections appropriately.
      (2)  Add a new SECTION 18 to the bill (Engrossed version page
18, line 6) to read as follows and renumber the subsequent section
      "SECTION 18.  (a)  The office of the attorney general is
required to complete its pilot project regarding a computer network
victim notification system by January 1, 2002, or as soon as
practicable.  In completing the project, the office of the attorney
general shall consult with the office of court administration and
the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.  The office of the
attorney general shall continue to provide funding for continuation
of the operation of the project in the counties comprising the
pilot project until the computer network victim notification system
is operational in those counties.
      (b)  The office of the attorney general may contract with the
office of court administration or the Texas Department of Criminal
Justice, or both, to implement a computer network victim
notification system.  Implementation of the state-wide system shall
begin no later than by June 1, 2002, according to a written
schedule developed by the implementing agency or agencies."