Amend CSHB 1599 by inserting a new Section 1 as follows,
renumbering the subsequent sections, lines, pages, etc.,
      SECTION 1.  Section 2.002, Election Code, is amended by
amending Subsections (a) and (b) and adding Subsection (i) to read
as follows:
      (a)  Except as provided by Subsection (f), <or> (g), or (i),
in an election requiring a plurality vote, if two or more
candidates for the same office tie for the number of votes required
to be elected, a second election to fill the office shall be held.
      (b)  Not later than the fifth day after the date the
automatic recount required by Subsection (i) is completed or the
final canvass following the automatic recount <for the first
election> is completed, if applicable, the authority responsible
for ordering the first election shall order the second election.
The second election shall be held not earlier than the 20th day or
later than the 30th day after the date the automatic recount
required by Subsection (i) is completed or the final canvass
following the automatic recount <for the first election> is
completed, if applicable.
      (i)  If the tie vote is not resolved under Subsection (f) or
(g), an automatic recount shall be conducted in accordance with
Chapter 216 before the second election is held.  If the recount
resolves the tie, the second election is not held.
      SECTION 1.  Section 211.002, Election Code, is amended by
adding Subdivision (11) to read as follows:
            (11)  "Automatic recount" means a recount conducted
under Chapter 216.
      SECTION 2.  Title 13, Election Code, is amended by adding
Chapter 216 to read as follows:
                  CHAPTER 216.  AUTOMATIC RECOUNT
      Sec. 216.001.  APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER.  This chapter
applies only to an election that results in a tie vote as provided
by Section 2.002(i).
Except as otherwise provided by this chapter, this title applies to
a recount conducted under this chapter with appropriate
modifications as prescribed by the secretary of state.
      Sec. 216.003.  INITIATING AUTOMATIC RECOUNT.  For purposes of
initiating an automatic recount, the authority designated under
Section 212.026 shall request the recount in the same manner as a
recount petitioner under this title.
      Sec. 216.004.  COUNTING PROCEDURES.  The method of counting
votes in an automatic recount is the same method of counting used
in the election that resulted in the tie vote.
      Sec. 216.005.  COST OF AUTOMATIC RECOUNT.  (a)  Subchapter E,
Chapter 212, does not apply to an automatic recount.
      (b)  The costs of an automatic recount shall be paid by each
political subdivision or county executive committee, as applicable,
served by a presiding officer designated under Section 213.001.
      SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2001.