Amend CSHB 1862, committee printing as follows: (3) On page 12, line 34, strike "(b)" in its entirety and substitute "(b) the health maintenance organization shall approve or deny coverage of poststabilization care as requested by a treating physician or provider within the time appropriate to the circumstances relating to the delivery of the services and the condition of the patient, but in no case to exceed one hour from the time of the request as required under Section 20.04(a)(16). Failure of the health maintenance organization to respond within the time specified will result in payment of poststabilization care. The health maintenance organization shall provide verification under this section between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, except legal holidays" (4) On page 5 line 9, strike "(b)" in its entirety and substitute "(b) The insurer shall approve or deny coverage of poststabilization care as requested by a treating preferred provider within the time appropriate to the circumstances relating to the delivery of the services and the condition of the patient, but in no case to exceed one hour from the time of the request as required under Section 20.04(a)(16). Failure of the insurer to respond within the time specified will result in payment of poststabilization care. The insurer shall provide verification under this Section between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. central standard time, Monday through Friday, except legal holidays."