Amend CSHB 2134 as follows:
      (1) On page 1, line 6, by striking "Sections 382.037-382.039"
and substitute "Sections 382.037-382.0372 and Sections
      (2) On page 1, line 8, strike "Sections 382.202-382.208" and
substitute "Sections 382.202-382.207".
      (3) On page 9, lines 9 through 23, strike redesignated
Section 382.0373, Health and Safety Code, and appropriately
renumber subsequent redesignated and added sections of that code.
      (4) Strike "382.209" and substitute "382.208" at each place
it appears in SECTION 1 of the bill.
      (5) On page 32, between lines 7 and 8, insert a new SECTION
12, and appropriately renumber existing SECTIONS 12 and 13, to read
as follows:
      SECTION 12. Section 382.0373, Health and Safety Code, is