Amend CSHB 2146 as follows:
      (1)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, in Subsection (a), Section 3,
Article 21.49-19, Insurance Code (Committee printing page 1, line
45) strike "Sec. 3.  CLAIM COST INFORMATION. (a)  On the request of
an" and substitute "Sec. 3.  CLAIM COST INFORMATION; CONTRACT
REQUIREMENTS. (a)  An entity issuing a group health benefit plan
shall comply with the requirements of Subsection (d) of this
section and, on the request of an"
      (2)  In SECTION 1 of the bill, insert a new Subsection (d),
Article 21.49-19, Insurance Code (Committee printing page 1, after
line 63) to read as follows:
      (d)(1)  The commissioner shall adopt rules that establish
standard contract forms for use by entities issuing group health
benefit plans in entering into contracts with physicians and,
except as provided by Subdivision (2) of this subsection, require
the entities to use those contracts.
            (2)  An entity issuing a group health benefit plan or a
physician may use a contract form other than a form required under
Subdivision (1) of this subsection that:
                  (A)  the physician asks to be used;
                  (B)  the physician and entity issuing the group
health benefit plan prepare with equal representation; and
                  (C)  the physician and the entity issuing the
group health benefit plan mutually agree may be used.