Amend CSHB 2486 as follows:
      (1)  On page 18, between lines 17 and 18, insert the
      (b)  Subsection (a) does not apply to an administrative
agency created by an interlocal agreement or to an officer or
employee of the administrative agency while the officer or employee
is performing official duties of the administrative agency.
      (2)  On page 18, line 18, strike "(b)" and substitute "(c)".
      (3)  On page 27, line 19, between "Section 252.085" and the
semicolon, insert "except as provided by Subsection (f)".
      (4)  On page 29, between lines 14-15, insert the following:
      (f)  Procedures for proposals by direct solicitation under
Section 252.085 may not be used to acquire insurance, insurance
consulting, or other insurance related services under a contract
that has a term exceeding 30 days.