Amend HB 2766 (Senate Committee Printing) in SECTION 1 of the bill as follows: (1) In proposed Section 61.951, Education Code, strike "using funds appropriated for that purpose and". (2) Strike proposed Section 61.960, Education Code, and substitute the following: Sec. 61.960. TOTAL AMOUNT OF REPAYMENT ASSISTANCE. The total amount of repayment assistance distributed by the board under this subchapter may not exceed the total amount of gifts, grants, and donations accepted by the board for repayment assistance and tuition set aside under Section 61.961. (3) Immediately following proposed Section 61.961, Education Code, insert the following: Sec. 61.962. LIMITATIONS ON FUNDING. The loan repayment program under this subchapter may be funded only from: (1) gifts, grants, and donations accepted by the board; (2) tuition set aside under Section 61.961.