Amend CSHB 2845 by inserting the following appropriately numbered sections: SECTION __. The Tax Code is amended to include Section 171.090 to read as follows: Sec. 171.090. EXEMPTION - CORPORATION WITH BUSINESS INTEREST IN FUEL CELL DEVICES. (a) In this section, "fuel cell device" means an electrochemical cell in which the energy of a reaction between a fuel, such as liquid hydrogen, and an oxidant, such as liquid oxygen, is converted directly and continuously into electrical energy. The term includes a mechanical or chemical device that has the ability to store fuel cell-generated energy for use in heating or cooling or in the production of power. (b) A corporation engaged soley in the business of manufacturing, selling, or installing fuel cell devices is exempted from the franchise tax. SECTION __. The Tax Code is amended to include Section 171.902 to read as follows: Sec. 171.902. DEDUCTION OF COST OF FUEL CELL DEVICE FROM TAXABLE CAPITAL OR TAXABLE EARNED SURPLUS APPORTIONED TO THIS STATE. (a) In this section, "fuel cell device" has the meaning assigned to it in section 171.090 of this code. (b) A corporation may deduct from its apportioned taxable capital the amortized cost of a fuel cell device or from its apportioned taxable earned surplus 10 percent of the amortized cost of a fuel cell device if: (1) the device is acquired by the corporation for heating or cooling or for the production of power; (2) the device is used in this state by the corporation; and (3) the cost of the device is amortized in accordance with Subsection (c) of this section. (c) The amortization of the cost of a fuel cell device must: (1) be for a period of at least 60 months; (2) provide for equal monthly amounts; (3) begin on the month in which the device is placed in service in this state; and (4) cover only a period in which the device is in use in this state. (d) A corporation that makes a deduction under this section shall file with the comptroller an amortization schedule showing the period in which a deduction is to be made. On the request of the comptroller, the corporation shall file with the comptroller proof of the cost of the fuel cell device or proof of the device's operation in this state. (e) A corporation may elect to make the deduction authorized by this section either from apportioned taxable capital or apportioned taxable earned surplus for each separate regular annual period. An election for an initial period applies to the second tax period and to the first regular annual period.