Amend CSHB 2912 beginning on page 9, line 19, through page
11, line 8, by striking proposed Sections 5.1191-5.1193, Water
Code, and substituting the following:
      Sec. 5.1191.  RESEARCH MODEL. (a)  In this section, "research
model" means a mechanism for developing a plan to address the
commission's practical regulatory needs.  The commission's plan
shall be prioritized by need and shall identify short-, medium-,
and long-term research goals. The plan may address preferred
methods of conducting the identified research.
      (b)  The commission shall develop a research model. The
commission may appoint a research advisory board to assist the
commission in providing appropriate incentives to encourage various
interest groups to participate in developing the research model and
to make recommendations regarding research topics specific to this
state.  The research advisory board must include representatives of
the academic community, representatives of the regulated community,
and public representatives of the state at large.
      Sec. 5.1192.  COORDINATION OF RESEARCH. (a)  The commission
shall facilitate and coordinate environmental research in the state
according to the research model developed under Section 5.1191.
      (b)  The commission shall explore private and federal funding
opportunities for research needs identified in the research model.
The commission may conduct, direct, and facilitate research to
implement the commission's research model by administering grants
or by contracting for research if money is appropriated to the
commission for those purposes.
      (c)  To the degree practicable, the commission, through the
research model, shall coordinate with or make use of any research
activities conducted under existing state initiatives, including
research by state universities, the Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the
Department of Agriculture, and other state and federal agencies as
      (d)  This section does not authorize the commission to
initiate or direct the research efforts of another entity except
under the terms of a grant or contract.
      Sec. 5.1193.  REPORT. The commission shall include in the
reports required by Section 5.178 a description of cooperative
research efforts, an accounting of money spent on research, and a
review of the purpose, implementation, and results of particular
research projects conducted.