Amend HB 2912 on third reading as follows: (1) In proposed Section 382.0215(a), Health and Safety Code, strike "In this section," and substitute "In this chapter,". (4) In proposed Section 382.0216(a), Health and Safety Code, strike "(a) The" and substitute "Except as provided by Subsection (d), the". (5) In proposed Section 382.0216(a), Health and Safety Code, strike "owner or operator of a facility required to take action under this subsection" and substitute "owner or operator of a facility that has a reportable emissions event". (6) In proposed Section 382.0216(a), Health and Safety Code, strike "If in a particular case a corrective action plan is impracticable, the commission shall require the owner or operator of the facility to apply for a permit or permit modification.". (7) In proposed Section 382.0216(b), Health and Safety Code, strike "available to the public" and substitute "available to the public except to the extent information in the plan is confidential information protected under Chapter 552, Government Code". (8) In proposed Section 382.0216(d), Health and Safety Code, strike "an affirmative defense to a commission enforcement action if the emissions event meets criteria defined by commission rule" and substitute "criteria under which the owner or operator of a facility having an emissions event is not required to submit under Subsection (a) a corrective action plan". (9) In proposed Section 382.0216(d), Health and Safety Code, strike the last sentence of that subsection, including Subdivisions (1) and (2), and substitute: The rules may not exclude from the requirement to submit a corrective action plan emissions that result from routine startup and shutdown, routine maintenance procedures, or upsets resulting from the lack of preventive maintenance or from operator error, or emissions that are a part of a recurring pattern of emissions events indicative of inadequate design, operation, or maintenance. (10) In proposed Section 382.0216(e), Health and Safety Code, strike "(e) The burden of proof in any claim of a defense to commission enforcement action under this section is on the person claiming the defense." and substitute "(e) An owner or operator of a facility that has an emissions event is presumed to be required to submit a corrective action plan as provided by Subsection (a) unless the owner or operator demonstrates to the commission that, in accordance with rules adopted under Subsection (d), the plan is not required.". (11) In proposed Section 382.0216(e), Health and Safety Code, strike "Subsection (d)" and substitute "Chapter 7, Water Code,". (12) Following proposed Section 382.0216(f), Health and Safety Code, add: (g) The commission may require the owner or operator of a facility that has emissions events that are sufficiently quantifiable, frequent, and predictable, to obtain a permit, permit amendment, or other authorization that includes those emissions.