Amend Floor Amendment No. 15 to CSHB 2912 as follows:
      (1)  On line 2, strike "treatment or disposal" and substitute
"land application".
      (2)  On line 4 strike "treated or".
      (3)  On line 5 strike "disposed of" and substitute "land
      (4)  On line 6 strike "generated" and substitute "is land
      (5)  On line 6 strike "treated or".
      (6)  On line 7 strike "disposed of" and substitute "land
      (7)  On line 10 between "A" and "person" insert
      (8)  On line 11 between "permit" and "issued" insert "for
that land application unit".
      (9)  On line 11 strike the colon at the end of the sentence.
      (10)  Strike lines 12 and 13.
      (11)  On line 14 strike "(2)".
      (12)  On lines 14 and 15 insert a period after "2003" and
strike the rest of the sentence.