Amend HB 2914 (Senate committee report) as follows: (1) Insert a new section as follows: SECTION _____. Amend Sec. 403.014(b), Government Code, to read as follows: (b) The report must include: (1) an analysis of each special provision that reduces the amount of tax payable, to include an estimate of the loss of revenue for a six-year period including the current fiscal biennium and a citation of the statutory or legal authority for the provision; and (2) for provisions reducing revenue by more than one percent of total revenue for a tax covered by this section: (A) the effect of each provision on the distribution of the tax burden by income class and industry or business class and by ethnic group, as appropriate; and (B) The effect of each provision on total income by income class and by ethnic group, as appropriate. (2) Insert a new section as follows: SECTION _____. Subsection (c), Section 403.0141, Government Code, is amended to read as follows: (c) To the extent data is available, the incidence impact analysis under Subsections (a) and (b): (1) shall evaluate the tax burden: (A) on the overall income distribution, using a systemwide incidence measure or other appropriate measures of equality and inequality; and (B) on income classes, including, at a minimum, quintiles of the income distribution, on renters and homeowners, on industry or business classes, as appropriate, and on various types of business organizations; and (C) on ethnic groups; (2) may evaluate the tax burden: (A) by other appropriate taxpayer characteristics, such as whether the taxpayer is a farmer, rancher, retired elderly, or resident or nonresident of the state; and (A) by distribution of impact on consumers, labor, capital, and out-of-state persons and entities; (3) shall evaluate the effect of each tax on total income by income group and ethnic group; and (4) shall: (A) use the broadest measure of economic income for which reliable data is available; and (B) include a statement of the incidence assumptions that were used in making the analysis. (3) Renumber succeeding sections as appropriate.