Amend HB 3071 as follows:
      (1)  On page 1, line 6, strike "(e), (f), and (g)" and
substitute "(e)-(i)".
      (2)  Strike page 1, line 20, through page 2, line 3, and
substitute the following:
      (g)  The department may not suspend, revoke, or deny a
certificate of a person who is primarily responsible for the
oversight of inspection operations at an inspection station, who
receives compensation for that oversight, and who exerts management
control over those operations, unless the inspection station or an
inspector of the inspection station commits:
            (1)  a violation of Subchapter F that directly affects
emission reduction benefits; or
            (2)  a felony under Subchapter I.
      (h)  It is a defense to a proposed suspension or revocation
of an inspection station's certificate under this section for an
action committed primarily by an inspector that:
            (1)  the inspection station had proper controls in
place to monitor the activities of the inspector; and
            (2)  the inspection station does not have a significant
history of violations or discrepancies.
      (i)  The department may not suspend, revoke, or deny all
certificates of a person who holds more than one inspection station
certificate based on a suspension, revocation, or denial of one of
that person's inspection station certificates.