Floor Packet Page No. 4
Amend CSSB 1, Article I, Page I-47, Rider 27, under the
appropriation to the State General Services Commission, by striking
the word "Strategy" and substituting the word "Strategies" and by
adding the words "and B.6.1, Building Design/Construction
Management" and "a total of".
27. Texas State Cemetery. Out of funds appropriated above,
in Strateg<y>ies B.1.1, Facilities Operations and B.6.1, Building
Design/Construction Management, there is hereby allocated a total
of $531,000 for the biennium beginning September 1, 2001, for the
purpose of constructing and furnishing a memorial center at the
Texas State Cemetery and/or the cemetery annex and for developing
and maintaining a master plan.
Amendment No. 1 was adopted without objection.
Amendment No. 2
Representative Junell offered the following amendment to
Floor Packet Page No. 64
Amend CSSB 1, Article VII, Page VII-32, Rider 55, under the
appropriation to the Texas Department of Transportation, by
striking the word "from" and substituting the word "for".