Amend CSSB 1 as follows: (1) In Article XI of the bill, following the appropriation to the Water Development Board (page XI-85), add the following appropriately numbered rider: __. CONTINGENT APPROPRIATION: GRANTS AND LOANS FOR WATER OR WASTEWATER SERVICES. Contingent on the enactment and becoming law of HB 829 or similar legislation of the 77th Legislature, Regular Session, that authorizes financial assistance for water or wastewater service projects for nonborder colonias and in addition to amounts otherwise appropriated by this Act, the sum of $18,000,000 is appropriated out of the General Revenue Fund to the Texas Water Development Board for the fiscal biennium beginning September 1, 2001, for the purpose of providing grants and loans for water or wastewater service projects for nonborder colonias under Subchapter C, Chapter 15, Water Code. (2) Adjust totals and methods of financing accordingly.