Add the following appropriately numbered rider to the House
Committee Report printing of SB 1, in  Article II, The Texas
Department of Health.
"Transfer of Appropriations - Mycobacterial-Mycology Research Lab.
Out of the funds appropriated above to the Department of Health
under Strategy E.2.3 TDH HOSPITALS, and in accordance with the
provisions of HB 1748 of the 76th Legislature, the Texas Department
of Health shall transfer $219,435 in general revenue funds, in
fiscal year 2002 and fiscal year 2003, for the
mycobacterial-mycology research laboratory formerly of the Texas
Center for Infectious Disease to the University of Texas Health
Science Center at San Antonio.  This transfer shall be a permanent
transfer and future appropriations for the mycobacterial-mycology
research laboratory should be funded through the University of
Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio."