Amend CSSB 1 in Article II, immediately following the recommended items of appropration for the Department of Health, by inserting the following appropriately numbered rider: __. ASSESSMENT OF RISKS TO PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY FROM PIPELINE SPILLS OR ACCIDENTS. The Texas Department of Health shall perform a study on pipeline safety in this state to assess the risk to public health and public safety from pipeline spills or accidents. The study shall include the risks to childrens' health posed by pipelines located near public and private schools. The department may coordinate with and request input from other state agencies and governmental entities as necessary to perform the study. The department shall, by August 31, 2002, submit a report to the Governor and to each body of the Legislature that includes recommendations to reduce potential adverse effects on public health and public safety, to ensure that pipeline operators are adequately financially responsible for damages to public health and public safety caused by spills or accidents, and to ensure opportunities for public input and notification concerning pipeline projects that could pose a risk to public health or public safety.