Amend CSSB 1 as follows: (1) In Article II (page II-110), strike Section 21 under the heading special provisions relating to all health and human services agencies. (2) In Article IX under Part 9, Other Provisions (page IX-64), add the following appropriately numbered rider: __. AUTHORIZATION TO TRANSFER APPROPRIATIONS, PERSONNEL, AND CAPITAL AUTHORITY RELATED TO THE COUNCIL ON DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES. (a) If the governor designates an agency other than the Texas Rehabilitation Commission to provide fiscal and administrative services for the Council on Developmental Disabilities, all appropriations, full-time equivalent positions, and capital authority relating to the council for the 2002-2003 state fiscal biennium are transferred from the commission to the agency designated by the governor on the date of the designation. (b) The amount of federal funds to be transferred under this rider is estimated to be $3,968,113 for state fiscal year 2002 and $3,967,493 for state fiscal year 2003. The number of full-time equivalents to be transferred under this rider is 17 for each year of the biennium. Transfers under this rider shall be made from the Rehabilitation Commission Strategy C.1.1, Promote Independence, to another appropriate strategy designated by the governor. (c) If the governor designates an agency other than the Texas Rehabilitation Commission to provide fiscal and administrative services for the Council on Developmental Disabilities, all powers, duties, obligations, rights, contracts, records, employees, property, and unspent and unobligated appropriations and other funds relating to the council are transferred to the agency designated by the governor on the date of the designation. (d) The Health and Human Services Commission shall make a final determination of the amount of funding and the number of full-time equivalents to be transferred under this rider. The commission shall submit a report of the amount of funds and the number of full-time equivalents transferred to the governor's office and the Legislative Budget Board not later than 30 days prior to the final transfer. (3) Adjust totals and methods of financing appropriately.