Overview: Amend existing Rider 53 to ensure the allocation to the State Marine Science Center. Required Action: Amend Rider 53 on page III-17 of the bill pattern of the Texas Education Agency in the House Appropriations Bill, Senate Bill 1, of the 77th Legislature: 53. School Improvement and Parental Involvement Initiative. Out of the funds appropriated above in Strategy B.3.2, Deregulation and School Restructuring, and in Strategy A.3.3, Improving Education Performance, the Commissioner may fund programs intended to increase parent involvement and improve academic achievement. The Commissioner shall give priority to programs that provide matching funds. Programs that may be funded include, but are not limited to, Charles A. Dana Center at the University of Texas at Austin, AVANCE family support and education program, the State Marine Science Center in Palacios, the German Teacher Exchange Program, the Texas Council on Economic Education, and the One Community/One Child Program, the Elementary, Middle, and High School Mentor Program, the Superintendent Leadership Training Academy at Lamar University, and the Renewable Energy and Environmental Protection Summer Academy at Texas Southern University. The Commissioner shall allocate $125,000 in each year of the biennium for support of the State Marine Science Center in Palacios. Palacios Independent School District shall act as the fiscal agent for this appropriation, and shall direct an amount not to exceed $50,000 in each year of the biennium for maintenance and insurance of the State Marine Science Center. It is the intent of the Legislature that none of the funds expended by the Charles A. Dana Center shall be used to support the commercial development and marketing of textbooks. Out of the funds appropriated above in Strategy B.3.2., Deregulation and School Restructuring, the Commissioner shall allocate not more than $500,000 in each year of the biennium to assist programs that sponsor academic competitions with teacher stipends, entrance fees, scholarships, and other expenses associated with participating in academic competitions. Eligible campuses must not have previously participated in academic competitions, and must seek to participate in competitions that do not prohibit the participation of students who have repeated one or more grade levels. In awarding grants under this provision the Commissioner shall give emphasis to campuses with high concentrations of economically disadvantaged students. TEA shall provide an annual report on the allocation of the funds. The Commissioner shall evaluate programs funded under this section and programs that do not demonstrate a positive effect on student performance shall be eliminated.