On page VI-26 of the Natural Resource Conservation
Commission's bill pattern, amend rider 35.
35. Leon Watershed Monitoring: Out of funds appropriated
above, the Commission shall produce and report a list of the <names,
addresses,> physical locations and numbers of cattle for all
state-permitted milk-producing CAFOs in the Leon River Watershed,
as well as a map showing their locations on the watershed with
respect to the river and its tributary creeks. The Commission
shall also produce and report a list of all pending applications
for CAFO permits in the Leon River Watershed. The Commission shall
also, out of funds appropriated above, activate water quality
monitoring sites in the Leon River Watershed, collect samples from
those sites on a quarterly basis, and report the results of that
monitoring on a quarterly basis. Samples collected from Leon River
Watershed water quality monitoring sites shall be analyzed, at a
minimum, for Nitrogen-Nitrite + Nitrate,
Orthophosphate-Phosphorous, Dissolved Oxygen, Chloride, Sulfate,
Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, total suspended solids,
fecal coliform, temperature, conductivity, pH, and salinity. The
Commission shall report all information gathered to the Governor,
the Lieutenant Governor, the Speaker of the House of
Representatives, each member of the House Committee on
Appropriations, each member of the Senate Committee on Finance,
each member of the House Committee on Natural Resources, and each
member of the Senate Committee on Natural Resources.