Floor Packet Page No. 102 Amend CSSB 1 on page XI-22, following the appropriations to the Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, by striking the capital budget rider amendment for funding for Waco Center for Youth and substituting: Capital Budget Rider Amendment: Funding for Certain Repairs, Renovations, Expansions, and Modifications. Capital Budget. None of the funds appropriated above may be expended for capital budget items except as listed below. The amounts shown below shall be expended only for the purposes shown and are not available for expenditure for other purposes. Amounts appropriated above and identified in this provision as appropriations either for "Lease payments to the Master Lease Purchase Program" or for items with an "(MLPP)" notation shall be expended only for the purpose of making lease-purchase payments to the Texas Public Finance Authority pursuant to the provisions of Government Code, Section 1232.103. 2002 2003 Out of the General Revenue Fund a. Repair or Rehabilitation of Buildings and Facilities (1) Life Safety Code and Other Critical Repairs $3,291,713 $2,362,680 (2) Waco Center for Youth Renovation and Expansion $344,857 $3,407,669 (3) Kerrville State Hospital Forensic Program Modifications $658,488 u.b. b. Other Lease Payments to the Master Lease Purchase Program (MLPP) (1) Lease Payments to Master Lease Program $6,158,854 $2,244,035 Total, Capital Budget $10,453,912 $8,014,384