Amend SB 1 on third reading, in Article VI of the bill, by
adding the following appropriately numbered rider after the
appropriations to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation
      __. POLLUTION OF AQUIFERS STUDY.  It is the intent of the
legislature that the Texas Natural Resource Conservation
Commission, pursuant to its authority under Chapter 26 of the Water
Code, study the problems caused by petroleum storage tanks located
above aquifer recharge zones, with particular emphasis on the
spillage of benzene, toluene, and MBTE into the Trinity aquifer. It
is the intent of the legislature that the study:
            (1)  include the causes of pollution by petroleum
storage tank systems, the health and safety effects of inadequate
containment systems, and short-term and long-term solutions and
            (2)  should be concluded by not later than January 1,
2002, with a written report on the study made available to all
members of the legislature by that date; and
            (3)  cost not more than $100,000 and be funded out of
other amounts appropriated to the commission by this Act.