Amend CSSB 2 as follows:
Starting on page 5, line 29, amend CSSB 2 by striking SECTION
2.03 and substituting a new SECTION 2.03 to read as follows:
Sec. 11.024. APPROPRIATION: PREFERENCES. In order to
conserve and properly utilize state water, the public welfare
requires not only recognition of beneficial uses but also a
constructive public policy regarding the preferences between these
uses, and it is therefore declared to be the public policy of this
state that in appropriating state water preference shall be given
to the following uses in the order named:
(1) domestic and municipal uses, including water for
substaining human life and the life of domestic animals, it being
the public policy of the state and for the benefit of the greatest
number of people that in the appropriation of water as herein
defined, the appropriation of water for domestic and municipal uses
shall be and remain superior to the rights of the state to
appropriate the same for all other purposes;
(2) agricultural uses and industrial uses, meaning
processes designed to convert materials of a lower order of value
into forms having greater usability and commercial value, including
the development of power by means other than hydroelectric;
<(3)> <irrigation;>
<(4)> (3) mining and recovery of minerals;
<(5)> (4) hydroelectric power;
<(6)> (5) navigation;
<(7)> (6) recreation and pleasure; and
<(8)> (7) other beneficial uses.