Amend CSSB 2 as follows:
      1.  In SECTION 2.55, Section 36.113, Water Code (page 28,
Committee Printing, after line 17) by inserting a new subsection
(e) to read as follows and renumbering remaining subsections
      (e)  The district may impose more restrictive permit
conditions on new permit applications and increased use by historic
users, provided that:
            (1)  such limitations apply to all subsequent new
permit applications and increased use by historic users, regardless
of type or location of use;
            (2)  such limitations bear a reasonable relationship to
the existing district management plan, and;
            (3)  such limitations are reasonably necessary to
protect existing use.
      2.  In SECTION 2.58, Section 36.122, Water Code by striking
subsection (c) (page 30, lines 51-57, Committee Printing) and
inserting a new subsection to read as follows:
      (c)  Except as provided in Section 36.113(e), the district
may not impose more restrictive permit conditions on transporters
than the district imposes on existing in-district users.