Amend CSSB 8 as follows:
      (1)  On page 2, lines 4 through 10, strike Sec. 3 and
substitute a new Sec. 3 as follows:
      Sec. 3.  REIMBURSEMENT FOR SERVICES.  When reimbursing a
physician or provider for reproductive health and oncology services
provided to women, a health benefit plan must pay an amount not
less than the annual average compensation per hour or unit as would
be paid in the service area to a physician or provider for the same
medical, surgical, hospital, pharmaceutical, nursing or other
similar resources, as applicable, that would be used in providing
health services exclusively to men or to the general population.
      (2)  On page 2, lines 11 through 21, strike Sec. 4. and
renumber the subsequent sections appropriately.