Amend CSSB 198 in SECTION 1 of the bill (Committee Printing
page 3, lines 65-69, and page 4, lines 1-3) by striking Section
5.068, Property Code, as amended and redesignated, and substituting
the following:
(a) if the negotiations that precede the execution of an executory
contract are conducted primarily in Spanish, the seller shall
provide a copy in Spanish of all written documents relating to the
transaction, including the contract, disclosure notices <notice>,
<and> annual accounting statements, <required by this subchapter>
and a notice of default required by this subchapter <Subchapter D>.
      (b)  If the negotiations that precede the excution of an
excutory contract are conducted primarily in a language other than
English, the seller shall provide a copy in that language of all
written documents relating to the transaction, including the
contract, disclosure notices, annual accounting statements, and a
notice of default required by this subchapter.
      (c)  The attorney general, on the request of a seller, shall
provide document translation services for the purpose of assisting
the seller in complying with this section.
      (d)  Subsections (b) and (c) take effect beginning on the
first day of the first state fiscal biennium for which the
legislature appropriates funds to the attorney general to provide
document translation services to sellers for the purpose of
assisting sellers in complying with this section.