Amend SB 248 as follows:
            (1) In SECTION of the bill, at the end of added
Subsection (f), Section 11.252, Tax Code (Committee Printing, page
2, line 25), add:
      "This subsection does not apply to a municipality in which a
majority of the qualified voters voting at the constitutional
amendment election held November 2, 1999, voted in favor of SJR 21,
76th Legislature, Regular Session, 1999.  A municipality in which a
majority of the qualified voters voting at that election voted in
favor of SJR 21 may not provide for the taxation of leased motor
vehicles under this subsection."
            (2) In SECTION 1 of the bill, strike added Subsection
(g), Section 11.252, Tax Code (Committee Printing, page 2, line
26-page 3, line 1), and reletter subsequent subsections