Amend CSSB 273 (senate committee printing) as follows: (1) In SECTION 26 of the bill, in added Subsection (b), between "(a)" and "of", insert "or (d)" (page 8, line 61). (2) In SECTION 26 of the bill, add Subsection (d) to read as follows (page 8, between lines 68 and 69): (d) A person to whom Chapter 805, Government Code, applies and who was an employee of a public institution of higher education between March 31, 1969, and August 31, 1977, may establish service credit for employment by the institution during that period if: (1) the person's part-time employment by the institution averaged at least 20 hours a week for at last 4-1/2 months during a school year; and (2) the person deposits, not later than September 1, 2002, with the Teacher Retirement System of Texas the amount required by the retirement system on May 1, 2001, to establish credit for unreported service.