Amend the S. Turner amendment to CSSB 310 in Section
102.0015, Utilities Code, as added by the amendment, by inserting
new Subsections (d)-(f) and renumbering existing Subsections of the
amendment accordingly:
      (d)  Not later than October 1, 2001, the railroad commission
shall hold a hearing as required by Subsection (c). At the hearing,
the railroad commission shall consider:
            (1)  the effect that customer choice under Chapter 39
has had on a gas utility described by Subsection (b);
            (2)  whether an affiliated electric utility has
received excess mitigation under Chapter 39; and
            (3)  whether a gas utility has directly benefitted from
that excess mitigation, if any.
      (e)  The railroad commission shall determine that an
affiliated electric utility has received excess mitigation under
Chapter 39 if the Public Utility Commission of Texas has made such
a finding.  The railroad commission shall determine that the
affiliated gas utility has directly benefitted from that excess
mitigation if the railroad commission determines that the
affiliated electric utility has not returned to residential
customers at least 50 percent of the excess mitigation identified
by the Public Utility Commission of Texas and allocable to those
residential customers.
      (f)  If the railroad commission determines that the
affiliated gas utility has directly benefitted from the excess
mitigation, the railroad commission shall order the affiliated gas
utility to apply an amount equal to 50 percent of the excess
mitigation allocable to residential customers as a credit to the
gas utility's residential customers throughout the service region
who are also residential customers of  its affiliated electric
utility.  The railroad commission shall order the gas utility to
apply the credit to residential customer bills not later than
December 31, 2001.