Amend CSSB 310 by amending SECTION 64 of the bill as follows:
      (1)  On page 81, lines 1-2, strike "the following efforts"
and substitute "an effort".
      (2)  On page 81, line 3, insert the following after
"officials" and before the colon: "by one of the following
      (3)  On page 81, line 8, strike "and" and substitute "or".
      (4)  On page 81, lines 14-15, strike "the following efforts"
and substitute "an effort".
      (5)  On page 81, line 16, insert the following after
"officials" and before the colon: "by one of the following
      (6)  On page 81, line 21, strike "and" and substitute "or".