Amend CSSB 311 in SECTION 13.01 as follows:
      (1)  Strike Subsection (b), Section 2161.061, Government Code
(Committee Printing, page 120, line 15 to page 121, line 1), and
substitute the following:
      (b)  As one of its certification procedures, the commission
            (1)  approve the certification program of one or more
local governments or nonprofit organizations in this state that
certify historically underutilized businesses, minority business
enterprises, women's business enterprises, or disadvantaged
business enterprises under substantially the same definition, to
the extent applicable, used by Section 2161.001, if the local
government or nonprofit organization meets or exceeds the standards
established by the commission; and
            (2)  certify a business that is certified by a <under
the> local government or by a nonprofit organization <program> as a
historically underutilized business under this chapter.
      (2)  In Subsection (c), Section 2161.061, Government Code
(Committee Printing, page 121, lines 6-7), strike "that certify on
behalf of local governments" and substitute ".  The commission may
terminate an agreement if a local government or nonprofit
organization fails to meet the standards established by the
commission for certifying historically underutilized businesses".
      (3)  In Subsection (c)(1), Section 2161.061, Government Code
(Committee Printing, page 121, line 10), strike "certifying on
behalf of the local government".
      (4)  In Subsection (c)(3), Section 2161.061, Government Code
(Committee Printing, page 121, lines 17-18), strike "certifying on
behalf of the local government".