Amend SB 338 as follows:
      (1)  In Section 94.002, Health and Safety Code, as amended
and redesignated by the bill, following the section heading (Senate
engrossed version, page 2, line 12), insert "(a)".
      (2)  At the end of Section 94.002, Health and Safety Code, as
amended and redesignated by the bill (Senate engrossed version,
page 3, between lines 2 and 3),  insert the following:
      (b)  In developing the prevention program required by
Subsection (a)(5), the department may forecast the economic and
clinical impacts of hepatitis C  and the impact of hepatitis C on
quality of life. The department may develop the forecasts in
conjunction with an academic medical center or a nonprofit
institution with experience using disease management prospective
modeling and simulation techniques.