Amend SB 342, on third reading, in the SECTION of the bill
that was added to the bill on second reading by Floor Amendment No.
3, by Alexander, and that substituted a new Section 361.003,
Transportation Code, by striking added Section 361.003(b),
Transportation Code, and substitute the following:
      (b)  An authority created under Subsection (a) is governed by
a board of directors.  For an authority that includes only one
county, each county commissioner shall appoint one director to
serve on the board and the governor shall appoint one director to
serve on the board as the presiding officer of the board.  For an
authority that includes an even number of counties, the
commissioners court of each county of the authority shall appoint
one director to serve on the board and the governor shall appoint
one director to serve on the board as the presiding officer of the
board.  For an authority that includes an odd number of counties,
the commissioners court of each county of the authority shall
appoint two directors to serve on the board and the governor shall
appoint one director to serve on the board as the presiding officer
of the board.