Amend CSSB 354 as follows: (1) In the recitation of SECTION 1 of the bill (Committee Printing, page 1, line 5), strike "(g)-(k)" and substitute "(g)-(j)". (2) Strike Subsections (g)-(k), Section 431.101, Transportation Code, as added by SECTION 1 of the bill (Committee Printing, page 1, line 19, through page 2, line 26), and substitute the following: (g) A corporation created by a municipality for the purpose of developing a convention center hotel project is exempt from competitive bidding requirements and other restrictions on the award of contracts. (h) A corporation created by a municipality after September 1, 1999, for the purpose of developing water treatment and distribution facilities is exempt from competitive bidding requirements and other restrictions on the award of contracts for the limited purpose of completing projects as described in a project definition document issued before December 31, 2000. Any expansion of treatment facilities beyond the project described in the project definition document is exempt from the competitive bidding requirements but shall comply with Chapter 2254, Government Code. Any expansion of distribution facilities by the corporation is subject to all state law that applies to the local government that created the corporation, as provided in Subsection (e). (i) A local government corporation created for the purpose of developing an area within a tax increment reinvestment zone created by a municipality pursuant to Chapter 311, Tax Code, is exempt from competitive bidding requirements but shall comply with Chapter 2254, Government Code. A corporation created for the purpose described by this subsection is also exempt from any competitive bidding requirement or restriction imposed on the procedure regarding the lease, sale, or other disposition of real property. (j) Any competitive bidding requirement imposed on the procedure regarding the lease, sale, or other disposition of property does not apply to a transaction related to the transfer of water rights by a local government corporation.