Amend SB 380 (Senate Committee Printing) as follows:
      (1)  In Section 1 of the bill, Subsection (b)(2), Section
55.203, Utilities Code (p. 1, line 26), strike "Internet address"
and substitute "Universal Resource Locator (URL)".
      (2)  In Section 1 of the bill, Subsection (e)(2), Section
55.203, Utilities Code (p. 1, line 41), strike "Internet addresses"
and substitute "Universal Resource Locators (URLs)".
      (3)  In Section 1 of the bill, Subsection (g), Section
55.203, Utilities Code (p. 1, lines 54 and 55), strike "Internet
addresses" and substitute "Universal Resource Locators (URLs)".
      (4)  In Section 2 of the bill, Subsection (j), Section
441.203, Government Code (p. 2, line 1), strike "Internet
addresses" and substitute "Universal Resource Locators (URLs)".