Amend CSSB 464 in SECTION 2 of the bill, in Section
2258.022(b), Government Code, by striking the last sentence in
Section 2258.022(b) (the sentence beginning on page 1, line 62 and
ending on page 2, line 2, senate committee printing) and
substituting the following:
The public body shall determine the general prevailing rate of per
diem wages in the locality based on the higher of:
            (1)  the rate determined from the survey conducted in
the political subdivision;
            (2)  the arithmetic mean between the rate determined
from the survey conducted in the political subdivision and the rate
determined from the statewide survey; and
            (3)  if applicable, the arithmetic mean between the
rate determined from the survey conducted in the political
subdivision and the rate determined by the United States Department
of Labor.