Amend CSSB 507 as follows:
      (1) On page 9, line 24, between "CIRCUMSTANCES." and "A
property," insert "(a)".
      (2) At the end of Subsection 209.009, add:
            "(b) A property owners' association shall not conduct a
foreclosure sale of the lot unless a designated member of the board
of the association has made a personal visit to the owner and
explained the board's intent to foreclose and offered the owner the
opportunity to rectify the dispute.  The designated member must
make at least three personal visit attempts.  The personal visit by
the designated member shall be accompanied by simultaneous
hand-delivery of a written notice stating the association's intent
to foreclose and the opportunity to rectify.  The written notice
must be signed and dated by the owner and shall be retained in the
association's records.  The association shall provide the owner a
copy of the signed notice not later than the seventh day after the
date of the visit.  Failure to provide a copy of the signed notice
to the owner in the manner described renders the association's
foreclosure power invalid until an additional personal visit is
made and an additional written notice is signed and dated by the
owner and a copy of the signed notice is provided to the owner in
the manner described.
            (c) If the owner refuses to sign the written notice,
the designated member shall sign and have notarized an affidavit
stating the date upon which the personal visit with the owner
occurred and that the owner refused to sign the written notice.
The affidavit shall be retained in the association's records.
            (d) If the personal visit attempts are unsuccessful or
if the owner is absent from the property, the designated member
must make at least three attempts to contact the owner by
telephone. If the designated member successfully contacts the owner
by phone, a personal visit must be scheduled and administered in
compliance with Subsections (b) and (c). If the attempts to contact
the owner by telephone are unsuccessful or the owner is absent for
a personal visit scheduled by telephone, the designated member
shall leave a copy of the written notice affixed to the front door
of the residence.  the designated member shall sign and have
notarized an affidavit stating the dates upon which the personal
visit attempts were made, the dates upon which the telephone
contacts were attempted, the date upon which the personal visit
scheduled by telephone was to have occurred, and the date upon and
the time at which the written notice was attached to the front door
of the residence.  The affidavit shall be retained in the
association's records."