Amend SB 572 in SECTION 3 of the bill, at the end of added
Subchapter U, Chapter 61, Education Code (House committee printing,
page 4, between lines 2 and 3), by inserting the following:
      Sec.  61.926.  ANNUAL REPORT.  (a)  Each institution of
higher education that has a professional nursing program shall
submit an annual report to the board detailing its strategy for
increasing the number of students that graduate from the program
prepared for licensure as registered nurses.  The report must
            (1)  the capacity of the program to graduate more
students prepared for licensure as registered nurses; and
            (2)  the resources allocated to increase the number of
students that graduate from the program prepared for licensure as
registered nurses.
      (b)  The board may adopt rules to implement this section.