Amend SB 649 (House committee printing) as follows:
      (1) In SECTION 1 of the bill, in added Section 17.992, Water
Code (page 1, lines 18 and 19), strike "by rule shall" and
substitute "may".
      (2) In SECTION 1 of the bill, in added Section 17.992, Water
Code (page 1, line 21), between "board" and the period, insert "if
the board determines that training is necessary".
      (3) In SECTION 1 of the bill, in added Section 17.994(a),
Water Code (page 2, line 25), strike Subdivision (1) and renumber
the subsequent subdivisions appropriately.
      (4) In SECTION 1 of the bill, in added Section 17.994(a)(2),
Water Code (page 3, line 1), between "Section" and "17.993(a)",
insert "17.992 or".