Amend SB 702 as follows:
      (1)  On page 17, line 25, after "no more than" strike "20"
and insert " 18" and:
      (2)  On page 18, line 1, after "Section 37.008;", insert
      (3)  On page 18, lines 2-5, strike "no more than half of any
disciplinary alternative education program campus' total budget may
be funded from this section's allotment; and (3)";
      (4)  On page 18, lines 5-6, strike "limitations of
Subdivisions (1) and (2)" and substitute "limitations of
Subdivision (1)"and
      (5)  On page 18, lines 10-11, strike "in excess of the limits
established in Subsections (a) and (b)".