Amend SB 749 on third reading by adding the following
appropriately numbered SECTION and renumbering subsequent SECTIONS
of the bill accordingly:
commission, in cooperation with the Joint Advisory Committee for
improvement of Air Quality, shall conduct a study of the
brick-making processes of brick production facilities near both
sides of the border between this state and Mexico.
      (b)  The commission shall survey current fuel sources for
kilns, including the use of scrap wood and sawdust, tires, and
other inefficient or highly polluting fuels.
      (c)  In conducting the study, the commission shall solicit
the advice of experts from institutions of higher education,
government, and industry of the United States and Mexico on
efficient processes and fuels for maintaining proper temperatures
for brick production while minimizing emissions of air pollutants.
      (d)  The commission shall consider the information collected
in the study and make recommendations on efficient processes to
decrease air pollutant emissions from brick-making kilns.
      (e)  The commission shall issue a report to the governor,
lieutenant governor, and speaker of the house of representatives
that summarizes the information gathered in and conclusions of the
study and that highlights the recommendations.  The report must be
issued not later then January 1, 2003.
      (f) This section expires January 1, 2003.