Amend SB 1145 in SECTION 1 of the bill as follows: (1) Strike Subsection (c), Section 251.742, Alcoholic Beverage Code, as added by the bill (senate committee printing, page 1, lines 40-53), and substitute the following: (c) The qualified voters of a municipality may petition the commissioners court of the county in which the municipality is located, in the manner prescribed by this chapter, to order a local option election to consider the legal sale of one or more prohibited types or classifications of alcoholic beverages in a designated zone within a commercial area of the municipality. The petition must describe the boundaries of the proposed zone. (2) Insert the following after the period at the end of Subsection (e), Section 251.742, Alcoholic Beverage Code, as added by the bill (senate committee printing, page 1, line 61): The ballot for the election must: (1) describe the boundaries of the proposed zone; and (2) permit voting for or against one of the ballot issues prescribed by Section 251.14 with respect to the proposed zone.