Amend SB 1201 (Senate Committee Printing) as follows: On page 1, line 29, strike "or the identifying information that is obtained is about one individual". On page 1, line 33, strike "or the number of individuals about whom identifying information is obtained is more than one but less than 1,000". On page 1, line 37, strike "or the identifying information that is obtained is about one individual" On page 1, line 41, strike "or the number of individuals about whom identifying information is obtained is 1,000 or more but less than 10,000" On page 1, line 45, strike "or the number of individuals about whom identifying information is obtained is 10,000 or more but less than 100,000" On page 1, line 49, strike "or the number of individuals about whom identifying information is obtained is 100,000 or more"