Amend SB 1654 (house committee printing) as follows:
      (1)  Strike added Section 104.003, Insurance Code (page 2,
lines 13-26, page 3, lines 1-7), and substitute the following:
supreme court shall, after public notice, adopt ethical guidelines
relating to litigation management guidelines between an insurer and
a defense counsel.  The guidelines shall cover:
            (1)  the counsel's duty of loyalty to the insured;
            (2)  the counsel's duty to exercise independent
professional judgment; and
            (3)  the attorney-client relationship between the
counsel and the insured.
      (2)  In added Subsection (a), Section 104.004, Insurance
Code, between "that violates" and "Section 104.003" (page 3, line
10), insert "a guideline adopted by the supreme court under".
      (3)  In added Subsection (b), Section 104.004, Insurance
Code, between "a provision of" and "Section 104.003" (page 3, line
12), insert "the guidelines adopted by the supreme court under".
      (4)  In added Subsection (c), Section 104.004, Insurance
Code, between "violates" and "Section 104.003" (page 3, line 15),
insert "a guideline adopted by the supreme court under".
      (5)  In added Subsection (a), Section 104.005, Insurance
Code, strike "an insurer" and substitute "a person who violates or
induces another person to violate a guideline adopted by the
supreme court under Section 104.003" (page 3, line 18).
      (6)  In added Subdivision (1), Subsection (a), Section
104.005, Insurance Code, strike "a violation of Section 104.003"
and substitute "the violation" (page 3, line 20).
      (7)  In added Subdivision (2), Subsection (a), Section
104.005, Insurance Code, between "violation of" and "Section
104.003", insert "a guideline adopted by the supreme court under"
(page 3, line 22).
      (8)  In added Subsection (b), Section 104.005, Insurance
Code, strike "this chapter" and substitute "a guideline adopted by
the supreme court under Section 104.003" (page 3, line 24).
      (9)  In added Section 104.006, Insurance Code, between
"violates" and "Section 104.003", insert "a guideline adopted by
the supreme court under" (page 4, lines 6-7).